Butterfly Changes
I have always longed for a place to feel 100% myself. Never truly finding it, I decided to create it. I look forward every single day to getting on here and inspiring other people to be their best selves and make new healthy habits.
Health and wellness have always been at the forefront for me – especially seeing other people wreak havoc on their bodies, ultimately destroying them. I’ve seen family members I love dearly pass away much too young from things that could have been avoided and it breaks my heart. We only get 1 body. We need to take care of it. Are you ready?
These posts are made to help you keep the momentum going and turn your life into what you want, regardless of what others want of you or how they even fit into your life. You need to do this for yourself. If you are ready, this is your next step. Start on your journey to a better you. You may encourage others along the way, but everyone needs to be in the right place and frame of mind to do this for themselves. Congrats, you are!
If you made it here, I commend you. It takes real hard work and dedication, and this is the first step to showing up for yourself. It’s not always the easy or even the popular path, but finding your way by yourself can do wonders for your self esteem and self worth. Eating better, being more mindful, moving your body, and really taking control of your life is the secret to a longer, happier existence.
Through healthy habits, movement, books, mindfulness, and more, you will discover how to feel at your BEST – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Humans need encouragement for their transformation to be complete. Right now, you are a caterpillar in just one of your developmental stages. You will take your time to shed this skin and emerge beautiful on the other side. It will take time and it will take some energy, but you know that a better life is coming. Get ready for your Butterfly Changes!